Archive for the ‘Which Myst Character Are You? Quiz’ Category

7/28/09 – Please Take This Survey!

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

Shorah! I have just put together a short survey for guests to tell me what they would like to see on the site! This will also allow me to see how many people read this blog. Please click on the link below to begin. I promise, it is short! 🙂

What do YOU want to see on Kefrith’s Myst Fansite?
The survey password is “Edanna” (without quotes).

EDIT: New content added to the FanFiction and Fanart sections!

11/9/08 – Easter Egg!

Sunday, November 9th, 2008
Easter Egg

There is now an easter egg on KMF! Find the hidden link, then answer the KMF trivia to reveal hidden bonus content! Here’s a hint: the link is plainly visible, but it doesn’t look like the other links on the site. Happy hunting!
